After an hour and a half, no response.
I then realized how much of a huge HR issue I've just created. I quickly texted him back apologizing for my inappropriate question and asking him if we can just forget I ever asked it. I concentrated on the birthday girl to get my mind away from the situation. She's so trashed after four drinks that she asks me why we've never dated because we would make a great couple. I just laughed awkwardly. My friend's a pretty hot blond, but she's slept with a couple of guys in my fraternity so I was not about to take sloppy thirds. I headed home around 1am and checked my Blackberry.
Still no reply.
So many thoughts are racing through my head at this point. Did he feel sexually harassed? Am I not his type? Did he want to say yes but wanted to keep things professional? He had a huge audition on Sunday so did he just ignore my text so I won't be a distraction? I needed to sleep so I tried to clear my mind.

The next day I just focused on work. I checked my phone on my break and there was an unread message from him. I freak out a little. It says "You're fine. Are you at work or are you off?" WTF? I tell him I'm on break at work. He texts back asking for his schedule if I'm not too busy. I started feeling really confused. I hope this guy doesn't think he has me wrapped around his finger. I might have asked him out, but if I'm getting rejected (which is highly likely in this case) I don't like to wallow in self-pity wondering what could have been. After work, I went to another birthday dinner to relax and try to forget the insanity. A friend happened to be a manager at this Asian fusion restaurant so we ended up having half of our meal/drinks comped!
Anyways, I received an email early Sunday morning from Gymnast Guy. It had a link to a Youtube video of a Worship song. A song about the Lord. I'm Catholic, but I don't forward religious songs. What is up with this guy? I texted him wishing him good luck on his huge audition without mention of his e-mail. I couldn't even really think about him cause it was going to be a very sad day. I had to go to one of my salespeople's father's funeral AND I was going to hang out with a really good friend one last time before she moves out of town. Is it just me or people are either dying, celebrating a birthday, or moving out of town every week? Not a very good combination.
My friend (we'll call her Parvathy) is quite rare. She comes from a pretty wealthy family, but she has always been pretty independent. I met her while she was studying to be a doctor here in the US (she was already one in India) when she was one of my former part-time cashiers at the clothing store. We share a love for horror movies so we went to go see one the last night we were able to hang out. We saw "Mirrors" starring Kiefer Sutherland. I thought it was pretty horrible. It did spark a debate between us about two different types of horror movies. She happens to love supernatural ones but doesn't think horror films with human killers are scary at all. I think it really depends on the movie. To me, it doesn't matter if a killer is a ghost or a human. If the movie delivers in setting up the atmosphere and the characters correctly, I will be scared. My favorite movies include a mixture of both - The Ring, Scream, Rosemary's Baby, Night of the Living Dead, Grudge, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre (this list does go on). What scares you?

your blog is gonna be a new addition to my addicition. hope you post more often though! :)
anonymous: Thank you, but if I post more often, I won't have too many adventures to post about!
First - thanks for dropping by!
Second - goodness. The whole thing with gymnast would be more than I can bare - updates please...
I jump when bambi wakes up in the Disney Movie - so I tend to steer clear of the scary stuff myself...
I loved Skeleton Key though - and those kinds of horrors, with more of a "real" superstitious side are what scare me most...
martin: Same to you. I was starting to think I post too much about the guy, but that's how life really is, isn't it? About our obssessions and passions and such.
I think I love more of the adrenaline rush that scary movies provide. And I liked Skeleton Key cause of the's like the heroine survives but she really doesn't...
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